
The following events are available for streaming; they were realized in “The Lockup Series” review, a series of events designed to support the Artists during the period of 2020 in which live music activities were completely stopped. All proceeds go to the Artists, as a small source of funding.



JON ROSE:  “Tenor Violin Solo / The Museum in Lockdown” (12 giugno / June 12th)

ROBERTO ZORZI-DANILO GALLO: “Colors for Nicola” (19 giugno / June 19th)

ROGER TURNER “Live Solo Percussion Performance” (26 giugno / June 26th)

ANDREA CENTAZZO “Cycles of Life” (3 luglio / July 3rd)

ALVIN CURRAN “The Containment Etudes” (10 luglio / July 10th)

GERRY HEMINGWAY “To Tell a Story” (17 luglio / July 17th)

ARTURO STALTERI “Mon Jardin”  (24 luglio / July 24th)